Health Weight, Healthy You – From Public Health Wales

Most of us have tried to lose weight at some point in our lives and the events of the past few years haven’t helped matters.

The benefits of being a healthy weight are clear, if we can keep our weight within a healthy range then we are far more likely to stay in good health throughout our lives.

Healthy Weight, Healthy You offers a range of information and resources that are tailored to your needs. The ‘Find Your Journey’ tool allows you to find the right content for you, to give you the best chance of success.

In the world we live today, and the many ways we receive information, you might find it hard to know what nutrition and weight management advice to trust or avoid.

Healthy Weight Healthy You provides safe information and resources that you can trust.

This is because the website content has been informed by the latest research to provide safe and up-to-date information and resources.

The website content has been compiled by experts from Public Health Wales whilst keeping information and support realistic and right for you.

Research was used to find out exactly what people wanted to help them make changes to achieve healthy weight. This means once you have completed Find Your Journey the information you receive will be tailored to your individual needs to support your long-term healthy weight journey.

You will have free access to information, support, and resources on:

  • Understanding weight and your weight management journey
  • Food and Drink
  • Physical Activity
  • Emotional Health and Wellbeing
  • Making long-term behaviour change.

Find all this information here: Healthy Weight Healthy You.